Saturday 13 June 2009


He stands unsheltered upon the rock-face cliff
But he grows no fear for the height of the fall
He only stares out and above for the message
To display for him solutions to his wonderings

He carries the desire to fulfill himself
In learning, understanding and accepting
He wishes to end this estrangement within
And extricate himself from its malignant grasp

He knows it represents a quest
Which shall be rocky to conquer
But he is prepared to tolerate and sacrifice
To engage in the attainment of this Peace

He is halfway there, with his resolve
But can see the mountains ahead
He grabs a fist full of determination
And lets himself take a white step of faith

Unafraid, he ploughs through clouds of confusion
And dusts the blindness off himself
He wipes shadows clear from the root
And emerges through gusts of darkness, undefeated

He looks about himself and sees no injury
He sifts through the winds and races on
Suddenly he sees the crux of his journey in front of him
And stops, tranquil, to claim his breath

Simplicity was that breath of silence
That pondered upon diffused thoughts
He would no longer sink into his abstract life
But rekindle himself, in what remained unshattered

Quiet belief would reign unrestricted
Followed by tender surrender
He would bathe in this profound calm
And hold patience in his hands once more

He is engulfed by a Peace beyond passion
His knowledge is reimbursed by a blinding flash
His polish would be renewed by this light
As his arms eagle out to receive

Shyness has dissolved in the ground beneath him
And apathy refuses to linger on
He can now feel no restraint to change
And un-sense surprise, wonder and amazement

He has no need for acid tears
And allows them to swim into evaporation
He is purified by the abandonment of the false
And releases his dreams from his depth to oblivion

He is crippled no further by ego
he fosters no attachment to guilt
He can forgive who he used to be
And now embrace who he has become

His heart filters what is unrequired
His mind guides, but follows his path
He derives his strength from pure will and breath
While his Soul, as his essence, is what we now see

Sunday 7 June 2009

The Floor Became The Floor Again

As the thick, bold tears fell from her eyes
She clutched at the walls for solace
She was weak with every tear
And could not unbreak what had happened to her.

She folded herself and simmered to the ground
Holding herself, to replace the absence of another
The tears continued to fall
Alongside the searing pain.

She had gotten lost outside herself
She had forgotten what it meant to be peaceful
Happiness had become a concept
And love was storybook material.

She touched the floor beneath her
It was cold and hard, but smooth
"Smooth," she thought, "It's almost seamless"
But took comfort in the fact that it was solid

Solid, unlike the pain she felt
Tangible, like something to hold
For so long, she had wandered in an unreal life
But here, the floor embraced her.

All was not as it should have been
Demons from within had led her without
She was fed lies from the people she trusted
And what she possessed, she had no need for.

Quietly, she gave in to her tears
Allowing her eyes and self to softly burn
She could no further think, speak or feel
But blindly pressed her hand to the floor.

She surrendered all she believed
And harboured no lust, nor fear, nor anger
An explanation didn't matter now
She only wanted to let go

Un-see the seen
Un-think the thought
Be allowed to fall and upright herself
Unburdened with guilt or excuses.

In a moment untouched, she felt a ripple within
As though her heart were pressed back into place
She felt her Soul begin to softly glow
She was now calm, at rest, but still to be at peace.

The floor now felt warm beneath her tips
She no longer crouched within herself
A soaring love enveloped her Soul
And her eyes closed, burning no more.

She saw the glow and touched the love
It was no dream, nor illusion, nor farce
Suddenly she understood all so clear
And the floor became the floor again.

Exhausted, but starting to feel complete
She noticed her breathing deepen and liven
She witnessed the sweet sound of her heartbeat
And she absorbed the punctuated solitude into each piece of her being.

She was dazed, but in the clear
Slightly dizzy, but strong with resolve
Her eyes were moist, but only to replenish
Her comfort was now the calm that surrounded her.

She was alone, yet no longer felt so
In her quiet, her peace was restored
She smiled and lifted herself to full measure
And breathed from within, in the wilderness no more.

Saturday 6 June 2009

I Do Still Love You

You cast a spell on my heart
And showed me a love indescribable
You brought to light a tenderness within
I was never aware existed

You allowed me to dream of a love for you and I
That is as improbable as it is true
Because, we were always worlds apart
In almost every way imaginable

But I do still love you
In only the purest of ways
And hold a prayer in my heart
For the elements to watch over you -

Let the rain shower you with glory
And drench you in its joy
Touch you with each drop, and spread
The bliss of life within you.

Let the sun shine down in bundles
And surround you in its peace
Fill your being with warmth and calm
And protect you like a shield.

Let the winds carry you on their wings
And fly you far beyond your dreams
Breathe the love of the world to you
And always lift you in times of need.

Let the earth never forsake you
And catch you if you should fall
And always hold you close to its heart
And be your unwavering support.

Your life will have no place for doubt
For you are special, as you are loved
Protected like a child from all evil
You will forever prosper, undefeated.

Call upon your heart within
It will always glow with my love
You will never feel alone with this force
And it will abolish all your fears

You will always glisten from your soul
I'll see your light from unfathomable distances
You may be distant, as distant as can be
But I'll always be tuned in, should you call

You may not evoke me to your mind
But I will constantly be praying for you
Because I do still love you
And I will for all eternity.