Friday 26 February 2016

To Be Embraced Like That

Do you know what it is like to be held
Close, and tender
An all encompassing embrace?

The kind where your hearts align
And suddenly you feel an incredible expanse
As though you feel the whole Universe between you two
Emanating out...

The kind which surrounds you with warmth
And pours it within
Reaching a deeper dimension
Where it doesn't stay limited to a physical feeling

The kind where you're so connected your Souls touch
To exist untouched by anything else
In a consortium of joy
Love, and exalted harmony.

Where you actually feel what it is to lose yourself in the moment
In that feeling
In the sheer breadth of that space in time
Experience the moment live and breathe with you
And gently sigh with the weight of the shared calm you both hold.

To be embraced like that


To live like that, in a compound moment -

I think that's what we need.