Monday, 30 May 2011

For The Solitary Heart

Exempt me from this anguish
I strive to seek another realm
Where prejudice is illusionary
And humanity occupies swift distinction.
Where pity is not a substitute for compassion
And strength reigns
Centering all
Resolutely within.
Where pretense is an impostor
Unable to hijack your senses
And jealousy wilts
In the aura of this space.
Where judgement is just
In discrimination
And reason
And left to the Supreme
Let me be swallowed
Into the channels of this haven
And dwell unrestrained
Without fear
Of abandonment
Or disintegration.
Let this render refuge
For the Solitary Heart
Where love can ride the seas of the Soul
Bound into the skies of the mind
Conquer the passion of this being
And recede into the serenity of the Spirit
Soak up this brilliance
Shining on the inside
Be fortified in its calm
And reside here


  1. Resolutely within der solitary heart find thy refuge in all that you seek & not that in what you ponder...

  2. jus kidd'n der really nic one i lykd it rather luvd it...
