Friday, 25 June 2010

Tears Of A Child

No dont let him cry
This Angel of a boy
Whose complexion of love is so pure
By judgement
By reason

Dont let him cry
And shed those drops in pain
When the cause is irrelevant
To his comprehension
And his lament.

The mirror of his Soul is so clean
No dusty layer
Of experience
Of mistakes
Of regrets
Of shame.
Not yet.
Let him be in this state
In blissful being
And unburdened
Before Time wings him away
And his eyes begin to reflect another story.

Let him rest
As he does now
Upon his Grandfathers shoulder
Pressed against his chest
Cradled in his arms
Witnessing a heartbeat
And considering it an unspoken miracle.
Let him sink
Into the love of this man
That holds him
As he grips the sleeve of his Grandfathers shirt
In his most tiny fist
And feels love through this inanimate thing
As though it shares a connection to the heartbeat.

Let him breathe
Allowing him to believe each breath
Will link him to each moment

Let him rest
And not be pulled into the vortex of understanding
Of reason
Now is not the time
For now, he is innocent in his innocence
Stripped of fault
And the guilt that accompanies it.

Let him just be
Awake in existence
Leaving interpretation to the winds

Let there be no reason
For tears of a child.

1 comment:

  1. i like the last two lines the best. you surpass urself every single time!!
