Saturday, 27 February 2010


Swinging in the seas
Knocking around the twirling waves
Splintering as the water churns
Sputtering as the crest comes to rest, momentarily

Tossed and spurned
He grasps and gurgles
Waiting for the air to unchoke him
And free him from his suspension in this uncertainty

Blinking away the unreal tears
He attempts to find a parting in the water
To regain some balance
From the swaying of the sea

Assembling his bold quotient
He plucks strength from each quarter
He displaces the fear attempting to shatter him
And grabs a handful of the waves

Wrestling with this beautiful, fierce Beast
He fends off the swells with astonishing courage
Not providing consent to let himself collapse
He enlightens the unsuspecting surges with his intense might

Battling it out, he thrashes and whirls
Unrelenting and determined
The sea tries every trick she knows
But against his will, she is inadequate

Slowly, she concedes, quietly
And admits that her competition conquered her
Fair and square
Despite being only a fraction of her intimidating size

She never encountered another like him
Who refused to relent
And admired his display of valor and courage
Learning from him in the process

She swims away, defeated
But transformed by the experience
And the victor breathes to see another day
Flourishing in the release of his Triumph.

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