All my life, I've never been
It took so long to figure out what I was doing wrong
But now I'm gonna change
From now on I'm just gonna Be.
No more thinking what other people think I should be
No more holding back
No more pretending
No more giving up
No more being afraid
I'm coming back to what I should have
And I'm gonna live each moment
As each moment
In each moment
Coz when you look at it
You'll only be in the moment, in that moment
And if u wait
Or let it go
Or just aren't there to witness it
It's gone
And you dont get it back.
The first time I actually watched time slip
It frightened the daylights out of me
One moment she was talking
And I was thinking, right now she's talking and soon she's gonna stop
And soon enough, she stopped
And that time, however short
Was gone.
I just think
How many moments we let slip
And how many of them we are actually there for
And out of a lifetime
How many chunks of time we just dont live
There really is no time for fear
No time to not take action
Not say what you really feel -
When you feel it
You cant wait if you have to do the right thing
If you have to stop corruption
If you have to tell someone you love them
If you have to be who you are
If you have to change the world
The time is NOW.
Not in 10 minutes
Not in half an hour
Not tomorrow -
Right Now.
The biggest thing I ever learnt was
You shouldn't stop changing
And it's never to late to change.
And if there's something that you can do without
Or just approach differently
You should
Coz it only proves that you're still learning
And that means your mind and heart are open
Which produces quite a feeling when you think about it.
So many things, if just altered
Can make life so much more pleasurable.
If we can stop fighting
Can stop pointing fingers
Stop destroying things in anger
Stop getting angry
Stop being so violent
Stop being so rigid in our beliefs
Stop denouncing people for what they believe in
Stop being so attached to things, events, people
Stop holding on to grudges and arguments of the past
Just stop
And take a look around
How much pain we cause ourselves and others.
We can change that
Start doing the right things
Follow your heart
And you'll find the way.
Everything just starts with a realization
When you have those moments of reckoning
Where inwardly, you just see something for what it is
And can see what you have been doing
And see the difference between both
That's where it all starts.
That's the place to make the change.
One of the worst things, I feel, is when people judge
Other people, themselves, anything
Coz judgement always meant an opinion, to me
It can never be without bias
You always say what you think the other person should be like
And when you judge yourself
Sometimes you can put yourself on a pedestal
And say, no one is better than me
Or you could be the other extreme
And say, Gosh, I'm so worthless
It's never fair.
Judgement just means you cant accept what's in front of you for what it is.
How different the world would be if we could change that.
Sometimes people just need direction
Someone to guide them
Support them
To say, everything's gonna be alright
To reinforce their own belief in themselves
It really helps when someone just cares
They dont have to fix your problem
But if they just listen
That's also a big thing.
It means a lot.
We can change not being there for each other
Coz each part of Energy from each of us
Does really end up larger than the sum of it's parts.
We are so much stronger than we realize
We posses all we need
With a few tweaks here or there
Not only can we change ourselves
We can change anything we want to
And truly make a difference.
I wonder how many of us have listened to ourselves.
If we sit quietly long enough
The way out, the answer always comes
In some form or the other.
It just takes belief.
I always felt all these things
But was too afraid to say anything before
I'm changing that now
I'm gonna be free of fear
To do the right thing
And follow my heart
And I'm gonna start living
And being me.
From Today.
Right Now.
Coz that's where it all begins.
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