Saturday, 20 April 2013

Of Source And Soul

Seek not and realize not
Divide and scatter the mind
Abandon its sense despite the senses
And let it wander around blind

Attempt not to deconstruct that
Which was created to exist as one
It bore transformation, yet altered not
Its essence can't be undone

Let the faculties perceive the beyond
And realize an end lacking
Standing in a perpetual Now
Without the edges cracking

It is alive, but imitating life
It's like a universe, without the changing
It is sustaining on shared breath
Without the constant rearranging

Its expanse derives from its eternity
It is a Now, it was Now even then
It births from a Now to dissipate into a Now
And loops back to Now once again

Protracted into greater glory
The Collective Soul shines
The Source of all that emanates
Through distance covered in time

Projected truth in a solid dimension
Assimilated by transparent rays
Allow the immersion from the Within to the Source
Transitioned through timeless days

Arrive to exist, as part of the assembly
Your Nature is now Divine
You are surrounded and built of Source and Soul
Merged into One, sublime.