Friday, 29 May 2009

Red Rose

Quietly the moon rays touched the Earth in a cool embrace
Seeping through the tree leaves
All was still
Even the water of the lake
The lake at the center of this Paradise
The surface was as though frozen
But within the soul of this water body
Was churning, thrashing, screaming
As if one was was trying to escape
Trying to look for a way out
In the still of the night.
There was the silence of a graveyard here
But the silence was filled with the pain of all suffering
The trees and the lake knew the joy of the sunshine
But come the night, and the dark drinks its way in
Seeping through their every pore
To fill them with an emptiness
No one hears their screams
As they never escape them
A stony presence encompasses the vicinity
Like an erie light within the moonlight
The trees lose their sanity in their fear
The lake pulls herself in, as if to protect herself
The stillness of the night slowly strangles them
How they wish to move, to scream, to escape
But fear engulfs them
And they shiver not
Nor utter a whisper
They become paranoid in their gloom
But there's an answer
To their black and white story
Where the Red Rose
The mellow and sliken Red Rose
Whose subtle bloom one night
Spreads her fragrance throughout
The trees and the lake allow it to sheathe them
And breathe like they never did before
Smiling, happy
They realize the false life in their dread
And emerge in the scent of the Red Rose
Stronger and alive
And they denounce their trepidation as they would a pest
And learn to live through the incorruptible beauty of their life
As does the tender Red Rose
In all its magnificent glory.

[Written: 1:10 am, 20th June 2006]

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